Welcome to NeuroGraphica and NeuroART School!

This is the online school where you will learn the basics of NeuroGraphica, including all certified models (NeuroGraphica Algorithms). Here, you can also become a NeuroGraphica Specialist to use the method in your professional practice and start your journey toward becoming a NeuroGraphica Instructor.

The school is led by Anna Denning, a NeuroGraphica Aesthetic Coach, NeuroGraphica Instructor, and NeuroArt Trainer. She also holds the position of the Head Teacher and Senior Supervisor at the Psychology of Creativity Institute for the English Instructor Course.

Enjoy learning Neurographica!

To log in, enter the email you provided during payment and the password for your personal account at neurographicart.com, then click 'Login.'

Don't remember your password? Click 'Forgot password,' enter your email, and we'll send you a login link. If you don't receive the link in your inbox within 10 minutes, please check your Spam/Promotions folders or contact support by the link below.

Please note that if you already have an account, you need to log in with the email you provided during registration. If you wish to change the email associated with your account, you need to contact support: